Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada

Privacy Policy

Protecting your privacy and security and the confidentiality of your personal information is fundamental to the way we conduct our affairs. That commitment includes the privacy and security of personal information of all visitors to this site fully permitted by law. Personal information is defined as information about a person that can identify them, i.e. their name, address and phone number. This policy does not apply to business contact information that may be provided as part of ongoing activities.

Browsing the Site

As you visit our web pages, some basic information that is sent to us automatically by your web browser may be passively collected. The following types of information may be collected if you browse, read, or download information from the site and do not identify you personally:

  • The Internet Domain Name of the ISP used to access our site.
  • The type of browser and operating system you used to access our site.
  • The date and time you visited us.
  • The specific pages visited or services you accessed at the site.
  • Words you typed into any Search Engine used to find us.
  • If you linked us from another web site, their address.

Information collected by us is used solely to improve the content of our web service and to identify the information important to our visitors. The information collected may be analyzed to help us understand what services are being used on the web site so we can continue to add information and build a site that is of the most interest to you.

Information Voluntarily Provided


If you email us with a question or comment, this is considered a voluntarily release of that information and the contents of your email are collected along with your return email address. This is done to enable us to address your concerns or questions and to respond directly to you. This information is not distributed to any third parties for direct marketing or email marketing purposes. The contents of the email may be analyzed by us to assist in improving our services and addressing concerns.

Online Forms:

Personal information collected via online forms may include your name, address, email address and phone number. You must agree online that you are aware you are sending personal information to us online before any form can be completed and sent. The same will apply to any surveys that may be included on the site. If you fill out a form, or participate in a survey, the information collected will be used solely for the purpose outlined in the form.

Review and Correction of Collected Information

At any time, you may contact us and, with proper identification, request to review any personally identifiable information collected about you. You may request changes to the information if you believe it is inaccurate. There may be exceptions to this access, and explanation, unless prohibited by Law.


We may provide Internet links to other web sites or email addresses of other organizations. When you link to these sites, or email individuals outside of our site and organization, you are no longer on our web site and this Privacy Policy will not apply. You are then subject to the Privacy Policy of that new site.


Tel: 416-596-0671 x 221
Fax: 416-596-1808

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